Simply put, we help you determine how much monthly income you can purchase using the lump sum in your retirement plan or 401k. Once in place, this income will be paid through your lifetime as well as your spouse's lifetime. No stock market worries, just monthly checks deposited in your bank account.
Give us a call or contact us through this site for more information on how to get your complimentary plan. Your personalized strategy will be designed by an experienced Retirement Income Certified Planner with nearly 30 years in the financial consulting industry.
The Annual Medicare Enrollment Period for existing Medicare beneficiaries starts October 15! Please see our Medicare page for important info and updates throughout the fall.
davis benefits group
retirement planning & medicare plans
For a secure future they are the most important things we can do, but all of your different options can be confusing. At Davis Benefits Group we'll help you accomplish your future financial goals every step of the way.
Phone 941-921-0536
Toll Free 877-846-5643